ride 4 refugees
Ride for Refugees rider David Redfern

David Redfern

My wife, Jing, and I have been married for 28 years, have three kids, lived in three states, purchased four homes, and can now claim we’ve even endured a pandemic together.

One of the first “big” gifts I received from Jing way back during our dating days was a mountain bike. I remember she rode it to my office when I lived in San Diego, over 33 years ago. We took the day off and cycled for the rest of the afternoon. So cycling is the one activity I’ve been able to keep doing. It makes me feel like a kid again.

Apparently, my “dashboard alerts” indicate I need maintenance. Turns out, the alerts weren’t the electrical glitch I hoped they were. They are actual alerts telling me that running, tennis, pick-up basketball . . . and really all activities that may blow out some of my irreplaceable outdated parts need to be eliminated for right now. However, biking is okay!

What I love about this kind of biking opportunity is that it will exercise my heart muscle and uplift the spirits of those I get to ride with, and those this race will benefit. I’m honored to share the love of Christ and to help refugees in need.