ride 4 refugees
Ride for Refugees rider Richard Lucke

Richard Lucke

I’ve been married to Sandy for 33 years. We have two wonderful children, Zach (31) in Washington state and Zoe (28) in the Dominica Republic serving in the Peace Corp.  Sandy and I moved to Wichita 6 years ago from Washington state for a new job and an adventure.  I am now retired after 42 years as an analytical-forensic chemist in applied sciences, a career that I truly enjoyed. I have a personal relationship with Jesus in which He gives me joy and peace, yet I continue to ask Him to change me for the good.

Biking has been part of my life since I was a kid on a sting-ray bike, to getting a new Peugeot 10-speed my first year in college (1976). My passion now is riding rather than racing, with the occasional triathlon and century rides.  Since moving to Wichita, I added gravel biking where often I can see eternity because of the flatness of Kansas.  Riding with fellow Hopesters/Christians for a great cause as R4R will be a blessing and an honor.